Sudoku Help - Choose Display Theme
The grid display is a key part of playing Sudoku. As you'll be looking at it continually for some time you need to view something that is easy to read and pleasing to the eye. Sudoku Dragon has a wide range of display themes each with its own set of colors and fonts. To preview a display theme click on the entry in the list of available themes, it will be immediately displayed in the preview on the right hand side. To use a new theme simply select it and press OK and the grid will change to use the new display settings.
To add your own new theme first select one of themes that most closely matches the ‘look’ that you would like to create and press New.... To edit an existing customized Theme select it in the list and press Edit.... If the theme is a 'built-in' standard theme you must first create your own version of by creating a copy of it first. When the editing is complete the new theme will be displayed in the preview window.
You can also select a different theme for printing rather than viewing, this is particularly useful if you want to print in black only but display in color on the screen. You select the print theme in print options screen.
- Changing the Settings
- Changing the Possibility Display
- Changing the Highlighting of possibilities
- Changing the Display settings
- Changing general settings
- Changing the Appearance
- -- Changing the Colors
- -- Changing the Style
- -- Choosing fonts
- -- Creating a new Theme
- Making a noise
- Print options
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