Sudoku Dragon

Sudoku Help - Puzzle creation options

Here's a page from the extensive help system for Sudoku Dragon. It is available as a help screen when running the program. To get the full picture Download our Sudoku Dragon and see the screen in its context.

We now offer an alternative product only available for download from Microsoft Store. This shares many features but not all of them. For documentation of the SudokuDragon for Store version see its separate help section.

We offer many choices of type of Sudoku puzzle for you to solve. Some other solvers offer no options at all.

You can select whether you want to generate a new unique Sudoku using File | Generate New. It generates a brand new one each time - as there are billions to choose from. Alternatively you can download a Sudoku puzzle from our Web Site, this lets you play the same game as other people and you can use the discussion boards on our web site to discuss your experiences of solving it. Use the File | Download New... command to download a new puzzle including the current daily puzzles on our web site.

If you want to solve a puzzle printed in a newspaper or magazine you need to start with a blank grid that you create with the File | New Blank... or toolbar button. After you have copied in all the square allocations you should immediately save the game using File | Save as that sets the initial grid to use when you restart the game later on.

We support a range of grid sizes, by far the most often used is the standard 9 x 9 grid. The smaller grid sizes from 4 x 4 up to 8 x 8 are useful for learning the basics of Sudoku. Larger grid sizes are possible too, but 16 x 16 and 20 x 20 are the super-sized ones that we offer as a challenge for the dedicated puzzle solver.

There are a number of Sudoku variants supported: Standard Sudoku; Include a stripe; Diagonal; Hidden word; Chinese; Symbol; Jigsaw and Samurai versions.

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