Sudoku Dragon

Sudoku Help - Un-Installing and Repairing SudokuDragon

Here's a page from the extensive help system for Sudoku Dragon. It is available as a help screen when running the program. To get the full picture Download our Sudoku Dragon and see the screen in its context.

We now offer an alternative product only available for download from Microsoft Store. This shares many features but not all of them. For documentation of the SudokuDragon for Store version see its separate help section.

To remove Sudoku Dragon from your system select the Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs option. Select Sudoku Dragon from the list and hit the Add/Remove button.

You can also select the Uninstall Sudoku Dragon option from the Sudoku Dragon menu group.

All of Sudoku Dragon's installed files and registry entries will be optionally removed from your system.

If you need to repair your copy of Sudoku Dragon please refer to the web site page for troubleshooting help.

If you plan to re-install the software elsewhere you should export your current settings and import them again once installed - this keeps all your options the same.

In most cases the easiest repair method is to download the latest version of the software from the web site (as this may contain a fix to your problem). First uninstall the current version with the uninstall option set to leave your installation and configuration information. Then run the downloaded installation program. Your license to use Sudoku Dragon remains on your computer after you have uninstalled it, so that it can be more readily re-installed.

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