Sudoku Dragon

Sudoku Help - Application Settings

Here's a page from the extensive help system for Sudoku Dragon. It is available as a help screen when running the program. To get the full picture Download our Sudoku Dragon and see the screen in its context.

We now offer an alternative product only available for download from Microsoft Store. This shares many features but not all of them. For documentation of the SudokuDragon for Store version see its separate help section.

The application offers a large number of possible settings. Sometimes you may want to save all the settings so can you restore at a later stage. The Settings | Export menu command allows you to save the settings to an external (.sdkrs) file. You can then import them back in using Settings | Import command. This facility is particularly useful if you need to move your copy of SudokuDragon to another computer. On the old computer Export the settings to a file and then on the new one use Import to load in the settings.

If you want to set everything back to their original, default settings you can do this with Settings | Reset. This is useful if you have customized options and would prefer to go back to original settings.

After Importing or Resetting settings the application needs to shutdown completely and restart.

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