Sudoku Dragon

Today's Dragon Tip

Keyboard friendly
The software is designed so you do not need to use the mouse at all to use the program. Navigating within the grid is simply done by using the arrow keys. Function keys provide quick access to all the program features.
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Generate Sudoku Puzzle [Page 2 of 14])

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The generation of new puzzles is a key feature of Sudoku Dragon. You can also download new puzzles from our web site including all the hundreds of free daily puzzles.

When you generate a puzzle you have the option of choosing the level of difficulty from gentle to very challenging. The hard puzzles vary enormously in difficulty as different players use a range of strategies for solving the puzzles. The same puzzle will be easy for some people and impossibly tricky for others.

You can select from a wide range of grid sizes. The 9x9 is the most common size. The smallest 4x4 size is ideal for getting to know the basics while 20x20 puzzles offer a new level of challenge that can be truly daunting. You can choose a size that matches your level of skill.

We offer a range of different forms of the Sudoku puzzle:

Normally 9x9 puzzles use the numbers 0 to 9, but for larger grid sizes there are not enough numbers and so letters are used instead. If you prefer you can use letters for any puzzle size - even 4x4.

The more advanced puzzle player might like to experiment with puzzles that are asymmetric. These do not have the attractive symmetric pattern but a random initial pattern. These puzzles can be much more difficult to solve. The repeated pattern can use rotational symmetry or mirror symmetry.

Generate new Puzzle

sudokudragon You can download Sudoku Dragon for a free 23 day trial and generate as many new puzzles as you like. Go to our download page.

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