All about release 14 of SudokuDragon
Comments and information about release 2.7 (14) of Sudoku Dragon

Release number 14 of Sudoku Dragon is now available.
The major new feature added has been support for different display themes.
These let you change the look of the Sudoku grid, the new release has a range of in-built themes but you can also build your own using whatever colors and fonts you like.
We've also added support for entering grid square assignments using the mouse wheel. As the mouse wheel wasn't doing anything in particular it seemed appropriate to use it for the selection of the number to go into a Sudoku square.
To use the feature just click on a square, spin the wheel until the desired number is displayed and then click again with the mouse. This lets you solve a game without using the keyboard at all just the mouse.
There have been some more minor improvements too.
Perhaps as significantly we've made the moderately difficult puzzles a little bit easier at times by changing the analysis criteria.

A choice of different display themes makes all the whole process of puzzle solving that much nicer.
Previously we were stuck with a fairly standard display, OK, better than most other puzzle solvers but nothing spectacular. Now I have a range of standard themes to choose from including some that are ideal for printing on paper - clear and simple black on white.
With all the various patterns and fonts the range of display themes you can create yourself is truly tremendous. Well Done.

I've had great fun creating my own display themes for Sudoku puzzles. There are lots of options to choose from so you can end up with somethinng very personalised.
To start off creating a theme the thing to do is to look through all the available ones and spot one that is closest to the look you want to create. Select the theme and then press 'Add New' on the Appearance Tab.
You can then use the three tab pages to change the various parts of the theme : colors, fonts and styles.
However I am not sure how the theme can be saved or passed on to someone else. There does not seem to be an Export function anywhere I can find

I like the new support for the mouse wheel.
You can now choose which number to assign to a Sudoku square by just flicking the mouse wheel.
First click on the square you wish to set, then just move the mouse wheel (up or down - it doesn't matter as it cycles through) until the required number is displayed and then click again with the left mouse button. The number is displayed.
This lets you play a sudoku puzzle without using the keyboard at all - very neat.

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