Sudoku Dragon

Sudoku Puzzle Advice

Although we can't answer individual queries about solving particular Sudoku puzzles you can often get help and advice by posting a question on our online forums.

To send us a particular puzzle that you are having difficulty with simply use the File | Contribute command from within our Sudoku Dragon program. The puzzle will then be submitted, together with your comments to our web site.

Solution Strategies

There are many tricks and tips to help solve Sudoku puzzles. We hope you will find helpful advice on this web site. Our Sudoku puzzle page gives a general introduction. Download our Sudoku Dragon program to find a number of step-by-step tutorials taking you through some of the solution strategies or more advanced strategies. One of our online forums is all about Sudoku solving strategies.

General Queries

Please use our contact page to send us your comments and suggestions about this web site or our Sudoku Dragon puzzle solver.

Copyright © 2005-2025 Sudoku Dragon