Sudoku Dragon

Download a Sudoku Puzzle

To look at a puzzle mentioned in any of our forums or in our archive section all you need to do is click on the download link which takes you to this page.

The puzzle is stored in Sudoku Dragon program format and you must have the latest version of Sudoku Dragon installed to be able to play the puzzle that has been uploaded to our web site forums.

To fetch the puzzle click on the download link, a file of type .SDK will be copied to your computer by your browser. Once download is complete you can double click to open it or else manually browse for the file using Sudoku Dragon's Open... File command. The downloaded file is NOT executable and will not install or run any software on your PC.

Sudoku Dragon Puzzle Download
Download the puzzle file (puzzles/sdks/DS6931.sdk) by clicking the animated link button below.
Click to Download

You can double click on the downloaded file on your PC to activate your installed copy of Sudoku Dragon.

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