Sudoku Dragon

Download Sudoku Puzzle Solver

Flaming Sun

Download Sudoku Dragon™ puzzle solver for 23 days free trial. Sudoku Dragon shows you how to solve any standard Sudoku puzzle and generate new ones to be solved.

For a list of the Sudoku puzzle solver's capabilities please visit our features page or take an online tour to see the key features of the program in action. It has a battery of hints, guides and possibility analysis options to let you to get to grips with this alluring puzzle.

Sudoku Dragon

We now provide SudokuDragon from Microsoft Store which is an updated version of the original version you can still download from here.

Version 5.6, Oct 2022. Download the Sudoku Solver sdkinst.exe (2.39 Mb) installer by clicking the animated button.
Download Sudoku Dragon
To use Sudoku Dragon you must have Microsoft® Windows® 11; 10; 8; 7 or Vista installed on your PC. Sudoku Dragon needs to run a PC that has an Intel compatible processor, it will not run on a Mac or iPhone. We currently do not have plans to create a version to run on other platforms.

We are still holding the reduced price of $9 (lifetime price, not a subscription), download for free trial here.
Software Informer Virus Free award
Security warning For increased security we have digitally signed the installer with Silurian Software the makers of Sudoku Dragon as the publisher. You may see a message when you download or run the installer along the following lines. Just click on 'Yes'.

dont runrun anywayRecently Microsoft added an extra warning level that you may see when you run the program. The software has been checked (it has been downloaded thousands of times since it was launched in 2014) against the Microsoft Accreditation Test system and it passed. Unfortunately Microsoft have not yet fixed the mechanism that allows these results to be submitted so you may still see the dire warnings. You can still run the software - just click on Show More... and then Run Anyway. We have never had any cases of corruption or damage from running the software (as of October 2022).

After the free 23 day trial period you will need to buy the software. You can purchase a copy by following the purchase instructions on the License information page (from the Help menu) after installation. The price is $ 9 or £ 6 or € 8.

If you have already installed Sudoku Dragon please use the Upgrade Check from the program's Help menu. To re-install the program you will need the purchase code see our license page for details. For information on all available updates please check the Upgrade page. Sudoku Dragon has built-in facilities to support a quick and easy update or purchase without re-installation.

For more information please refer to the help information for this version.

SudokuDragon in action

Copyright © 2005-2025 Sudoku Dragon