Sudoku Dragon

Playing Sudoku with friends

Multiple user Sudoku

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Multi user sudoku [Help and suggestions for Sudoku Dragon program forum] contributed by Nivlem

Has anyone come across a multi-user version of Sudoku

Surely that will add a bit more fun that just a league table?

You could compete to be the first to solve particular squares

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Multi-user versions (re: Multi user sudoku) contributed by Georgina

There are lots of people trying to get on to the Sudoku bandwagon by creating new versions.

I haven't come across any that are any good. It would obviously be possible for two players to play the same sudoku puzzle against each over with the scoring depending on how many squares each player solves.

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Multi-user app (re: Multi user sudoku) contributed by E Sanders

Actualy, there is, at least for windows pc's: Sudoku Up.

Every Sudoku, generated by this program, has a number. So if one generates a new sudoku, the other(s) can start their new sudoku by selecting the same game number. I do this for years now, together with my wife.

The program is by far not as userfriendly als Sudoku Dragon, but has good sudoku's.

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